Taxpayer’s Watchdog Committee
Floyd Coates founded and is chairman of the Taxpayer’s Watchdog
Committee (TWC). TWC was founded in the early 1980's in response to a
failed nuclear power plant construction project whose costs were going
to be dumped upon the taxpayers of Indiana. Since that battle, TWC has
continued in an editorial capacity to provide newspapers with letters to
the editor, particularly on tax issues. The underlying philosophy the
TWC is that generally government does worse at solving problems than
individuals and always at a higher cost.
One of the most noteworthy issues frequently mentioned by TWC is that
taxpayers bought and paid for the remodeling of the Capitol building
many years ago which included the transforming of elevators from
requiring operators, to fully automatic push button operation. However,
in government's infinite wisdom it has continued to employ servants to
push the buttons in the elevators.
Letters to the editor: